January 10, 1971, I had a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ that changed and redirected my life forever. My life purpose and goal since then has been to know Him and make Him known to others. After years of drug use, eastern religions, the occult and a couple times in jail, I got to the lowest point of darkness I’d ever been. Contemplating suicide, I was miraculously interrupted by God through an old friend who shared God’s love with me and the message of the cross. This ultimately led me to his church to learn more, and on the date mentioned above, I put my faith in Him and gave my life to Jesus Christ. I’ve never looked back. During an intense season of the Holy Spirit being poured out on our town and on our group of converted hippies, I received the call to ministry. Seven years later I fell in love with Kathleen, we married and she joined me in the ministry.
We’ve been married over 41 years and have served as college pastors, worship and youth pastors, children's pastors, and prayer pastors. Thirteen years ago we started a missions organization to share God’s love and resources around the world.
Our passion is for people to know that God is good, That God is love, That He is our heavenly Father, full of unconditional love, mercy, and grace, and that He longs to have an intimate relationship with us. We love to meet with individuals and groups to have encounter sessions where people get an opportunity to experience His love and His presence.